Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm really not vindictive, but...

A little over a month ago, just before I knew I was losing my job, the woman who held our contract in her hands came to me bitching that there had been 3 chewed pieces of gum in the trash can in the last stall in the ladies room for over a week. She wanted them removed. I knew they were there, but since nothing else had been thrown in the can I left them. I told her yes, and went and changed the bag in the can and I've made sure that the bags have been changed every day when anything at all was in them.
I had an evil thought tonight. I sure wish I'd saved EVERY piece of chewed gum I found in all the trash cans in the past thirty days. It would make about a full can. I would leave them in her trash can on my way out! LMAO!



Leslie Ann said...

A little passive-aggressive behavior never hurt anyone. Might even make you feel better.

alan said...

There was a supervisor at GM many years ago who would go around and initial the bags in his area and write the janitor up if they hadn't been changed whether there was anything in them or not...

Gee, let's throw away some more distillates of dinosaur that we can't get any more of!

Superglue the lock on her desk on your last night?
