Friday, November 14, 2008

Thomas Beatie...

I watched the Barbara Walters interview with Thomas Beatie and family tonight. In it, I didn't find anything that I didn't already know. I've read that in some transgendered circles that they are upset saying that this 'coming out', so to speak, will set back the gay and transsexual cause, I guess meaning that it will slow it down. And I feel it may, somewhat, however over the course of our cause, to be able to live without ridicule, I think it is a good thing. After all, if the slaves didn't come out of the fields, if the gays didn't come out of the closet, if no transsexual was visible, not any of these 'causes' would be as liberated as they are today. I was one who always wanted to be seen, a rock the boat type of person. Granted, it was my need only, I didn't have an agenda. But by me, and many others being visible in the early years of our cause, I think and hope that in some small way we made it easier for the next generation to be themselves. We still have a long way to go, but if the boat doesn't rock, no one listens to the cries for help.
...This is just my opinion, your free to agree or disagree. That's the great thing about America.



Gillian said...

A few years ago I read an article in the LA Times that was part of a series about TG issues. This particular article was about two transguys who were a couple, and one was pregnant. It went into detail about going to birthing classes, etc. It stuck in my craw, so when Thomas Beatie came out as "the pregnant man" it was old news to me. He's not the first, and I'll be he's not the only right this minute. I do think that he's showboating and taking media attention away from more important things. When his first story came out, and I didn't know he was a transman, I said to myself, "Hey cool. If a guy can carry a baby, this is great news for transwomen." Then I read the rest of the story and have been a little bored with the hoopla ever since.

Lori D said...

I didn't get to watch the show, but I have talked to many friends in trans community who are both happy that this makes people talk about what a family really means, and who are upset because this will hurt us in the near future. Me, I'm a little put off with the way it's been sensationalized and allowed to, but the Beaties are free to do their own thing.

Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

Lori, that's my point. It won't be so sensational when more people come out and say that they have done the same thing. And there are more. And then we need to talk about the gay women who get a man, gay or straight, with a turkey baster to impregnate them so they can have a family. And let's not forget about the gay males who have a woman carry their child so they can have a family. There is one thread that runs through all of this. If someone goes through all this trouble to have a child, they certainly must have thought about it a long time before going through with it. I see love there.

Gillian said...

Put in that context, I have to agree with both of you. I still find the sensationalism offensive and detrimental.

Michelle said...

Hi Stephanie,
I agree with you. I can understand some of the concerns, but I think your right that I can be a good thing for the future. If I'm wrong I'll eat my words. But what did concern me was how vile some of the messages that were left for Thomas and his family. I just finished posting something on this, so I won't bore you with the details here, but I do feel that they seem to be good parents and hope the best for them and there children. Are they show boating, possible. If it brings positive change for our community then that's good, right?. I will agree that if its just show boating for there own good and no one else's then I won't like that to much. Who knows what will happen, but I'm hoping for positive change. It does seem that some of the things they are fighting for are things that could affect all of us in the trans community.