Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Forgotten Memories Remembered...

I'm beginning to dislike these flashes of memory involving things from the past that I had buried deep inside me. Their coming more frequent now. Most are just additions to things that I have written about before. Today's was.
I wrote about this over on Y360, so part of this is a rerun for some of you, but now has a different ending. This incident was about being chased after school (7th grade) by 5 of my classmates, running and hiding, and running some more, until they caught me, knocked me down and pulled my pants down to see if I was wearing panties again. (I had been, but I took them off before they caught me) While sitting on me, a boy made me perform oral sex on him, the others watching, until it was broken up by a girl shouting at them to get off of me. I remembered all the embarrassment of being seen by her, and being seen doing what I was doing. That was where it ended, 'til today.
Today I remembered it had happened on a Friday, and how bad I felt going back to school on Monday and into the same class with the same boys. I remember also that what had happened had gotten to the teachers, because one of them asked me if I was alright about what had happened last Friday. ......Embarrassed, I said yes. ...I remember looking down a lot that day.....No eye contact...



The Crossdresser's Girlfriend said...

This was hard to read.

Calie said...

Strange, Stephanie, I have had similar memories recently. A discussion with a friend brought many to the surface that had been buried for years.