Monday, January 26, 2009

Big burly construction workers...

At one of the buildings where I work, they are adding a new section, a rather large section. Apparently they are in a hurry to get this new part on-line because they are working around the clock to get it done. This means that there are a bunch of new construction type workers, welders, electricians, metal workers, that haven't been privileged to have met me. As it usually is, when my daughter and me get to this part of the plant it was break time for them. We have to come in one end of the building and walk maybe 500 feet to the other end where the bathrooms and offices are. When we walked in, I noticed that it looked a bit 'busy' down at the other end, but I never expected a dozen big, burly, and some, beautifully handsome men all lined up so they could get a good look at little 'ol me. And yes it was for me, their eyes were glued to me. I guess word had gotten around about the tranny and they just had to see. ...Ok, I can handle this, just keep smiling,...wish I'd have worn the tight jeans. ... ahhh, what?, something has changed... There were no laughs, no snickers, not one hint of anyone even thinking anything bad about me. Two even said Hi! Big, burly construction workers said Hi to the tranny and didn't laugh when they did it! And believe me, I watched their every move right up until the buzzer for the break to be over sounded and they went back to work. They were gentlemen, every one of them. Now, you know how a group of men can be, and for this to happen, well, I wanted to kiss them all, which I'm sure that wouldn't have gone over very well. lol...
So, here you are men. I apologise for the many times that I've said that all men are pigs. I was a pig when I was pretending to be a man, and I let my shortcoming affect my opinion of all men. It still amazed me though that a dozen good ones managed to be in one place at the same time! You sure made my night!



Angel said...
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Renee said...

One of the more satisfying realizations transition has given me is that the world isn't nearly as bad a place as I imagined it. There are a lot more kind, decent folk out there than I would have thought possible. Most people, in fact.