Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Day, Eruptions of Frustration

I can see myself working the street for a fix. Not the fix of the junky , crack, or meth head, but the fix of a girl who needs her hormonal balance to get back to the calming level it was. I'm an explosion of anger just looking for an excuse to erupt. Everyone, everything is needing my attention. I don't want to give it any more.
Patty Lou needs something, then she needs something else even before the first something is taken care of.
Pee the dog. Quick fix of make-up.
Run to town to copy these papers.
Pee the dog.
Fix lunch? Didn't we just eat breakfast?
Did I get a newspaper when I was out? Damn! 25 minute trip to the little store. Ok, I need the want ads anyway. Same jobs, nothing for me.
Oh shit! Laundry. Change sheets.
Dirty dishes. Great, dried egg.
A minute to sit.
I don't want to play with the squeaky chicken dog!!! Leave me alone!
What am I cooking for supper?!!!! Pleeease!
Pee the dog! (no more water for the dog!)
Shut-up dog. That bunny ain't bothering you!
Clean dishes BEFORE it turns to glue!
Can I help with a bath! ...sigh Yes, then me. Phew! 5 minutes of cool water!
Chill pill. Get ready for bed.
Computer time. ----- Sorry girls. If I didn't take this time to do my grumbling to you, I believe my head would have already exploded days ago. As it is, the small explosions that have erupted out of me today, has had Patty Lou in tears, and the dog looking at me as if I'm a monster sent from hell! I hope to become human again soon.
Oh shit. Where's the dog! ...sigh



Jill Davidson said...

Golly Steph, hang in there! Things have to get better soon. Know there are people who are pulling for you - too bad we are all so geographically scattered.

Amy K. said...

Sounds like the day from hell! I've had days like that when I wish I could just clone myself a few times and make them do the work. But then, I would only be punishing myself. Sorta.